Optimising Commercial Outcomes

Our ability to provide value enhancing services is fundamental to our success

Negotiation Consultancy

We provide proven insights from experience to help your team achieve a better outcome from that difficult customer or critical negotiation.

We work with your team to provide the most effective combination of process knowledge and practical skills to deliver real value to your business from improved negotiation outcomes. We develop your team’s understanding of what is really happening through the negotiation process and how to recognise and capitalise on valuable signals.

Mark delivers high value negotiation training as an expert coach for Negotiation Partners.

Revenue Optimisation

Businesses place enormous efforts and focus on controlling their costs. Lesser focus is often placed on the revenue side - and yet even greater value may be hidden here.

Business-controllable decisions about market positioning, customer selection, account management and pricing strategies, together with better alignment between marketing and operations, can unlock a step change in margin outcomes for your business.

We bring practical advice that will help you both make and sustain the changes necessary to capture this hidden value.

Strategy and Transformation

We have led and supported significant strategic marketing reviews, business transformation programs and organisational capability and structure re-designs.

We believe that achieving better business outcomes is a collaborative process that results from having appropriately set and reviewed strategies, supported by a rigorous approach to identifying and prioritising the delivery of value improvement initiatives.

We work with your business to ensure team alignment and commitment to your enhanced business objectives.

Mark Berridge

Mark is a published author and professional speaker, who has a passion for inspiring others to find and deliver greater value to their business.

Curious, eager to deeply understand and to constructively challenge existing mindsets and perceived barriers to value improvement opportunities, Mark brings both personal empathy and intellectual rigour to all assignments.

From his extensive experience in living and working across Asia and across a range of commodities during periods of disruptive market change, Mark brings unique insights and a fresh perspective to even the most intractable market dilemmas.


Contact Us
Refreshing Value Pty Ltd ACN: 631 330 642
Brisbane, Australia